North Georgia Zoo
The North Georgia Zoo was mentioned quite a few times in our previous posts. We felt that when you visit one of out cabin rentals in Helen, Georgia, you may wan to know more about it.
Let’s start the North Georgia Zoo’s purpose. They wish to bring people and animals closer so that they will respect one another. They also invoke The 3 C’s: Care, Connect, and Conserve.
- Provide exceptional care for animals.
Through proper diets, habitat, enrichment, training and interaction.
- Provide exceptional care for guests.
“ We Care” By assisting guest, by providing tours, encounters and learning opportunities to encourage education and interaction , by providing available staff to answer questions, by providing a facility that provides amble areas for guest to relax, shade, water resources, weather protection, first aid, and kid friendly activities.
- Provide exceptional care for staff, volunteers and interns
By providing opportunities to learn, and grow, by providing ways to connect, by providing open communication channels, by providing applicable compensation on time, By providing bonus, rewards and acknowledgement and advancement opportunities.
Connect people and animals.
- Through outreach programs, through tours, personal encounters, through helping create sustainable homesteads and more.
- Connect people with God’s creation:
- Through interactive experiences, overnight opportunities, camps
- Connecting people to people
- Through providing special events and activities where families and friends can connect with each other and build everlasting memories.
- “Make it a rule, and pray to God to help you to keep it, never, if possible, to lie down at night without being able to say: “I have made one human being at least a little wiser, or a little happier, or at least a little better this day.” ~ Charles Kingsley
“Aloneness can lead to loneliness. God’s preventative for loneliness is intimacy – meaningful, open, sharing relationships with one another. In Christ we have the capacity for the fulfilling sense of belonging which comes from intimate fellowship with God and with other believers.” ~ Neil T. Anderson
Through caring and connecting will instill respect and passion for their wild cousins, native land and people around them to motivate them toward action and the end goal of Conservation for the now and the future.
- Through propagation of select species.
- Through educating and connecting guest to the animals (see above quote).
- Through activities and projects that teach about conservation.
- Through supporting organizations that have the same like goals: ZAA AAZK AH, National wildlife Federation, Creation Care, Restoring Eden
- Through direct funding and support of conservation organizations: Giraffe Conservation Foundation , Cheetah Conservation Fund, International Rhino Foundation Mountain Lion Foundation, Kenya.care of creation.
- Through implementing the 3 R’s daily at the zoo. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
The following is a list of the animals that inhabit this zoo.
North Georgia Zoo & Farm is home to over 80 Species of animals.
Click on the animal to view pictures and learn more.
White Handed Gibbon Black & White Capuchin Weeper Capuchin Black Cap Capuchin Ringtail Lemurs B/W Ruff Lemurs Red Ruffed Lemur Marmosets BushbabyWild Cats Serval Cat Caracal Cat Canadian Lynx Siberian Lynx Cougar ( Mountain Lion) Wolves/Canines Kangaroos Deer/Antelope Small Exotics |
Native Mammal
Skunk Virginia Opossum Woodchuck( a.k.a Groundhog) Armadillos Beaver Flying SquirrelsFarm & Petting Zoo animals Ponies & Riding Donkeys Miniature Horse Miniature Mediterranean Donkey Huacaya Alpacas Llama Zebu Cows Nigerian Dwarf Goats Nubian Goats Miniature Silky Fainting Goats Harlequin Sheep Shetland Sheep Miniature Teacup Pigs Rabbits ( Angora, Lops & Rexs) Exotic Chickens Other Poultry Large Exotics/Exotic Livestock Other |
Reptiles & Amphibians
Snakes Venomous Snakes Monitor Lizard Other Lizards Gecko Alligators Crocodiles Tortoise Turtles FrogsBirds Barn Owl Spectacled Owl Red-Tail Hawk Turkey Vulture Toucan Trumpeter Hornbill Red Crested Touraco Umbrella Cockatoo Amazon Parrots Blue & Gold Macaw Military Macaw Kookaburra Seriema Screamer Peacocks Fain Tailed Pigeons Doves Red/Gold Pheasants African Raven Eurasian Eagle Owl African Grey Parrot Eclectus Insects/ Other |
Please visit The North Georgia Zoo during your next stay with us. Find out more information about North Georgia Zoo on their website.