Fishing in North Georgia
While visiting one of our cabins in North Georgia, you may get the itch to go fishing. There are a multitude of places that you can fish in the Helen area. Here are some examples for the location of your next big catch.
The trout were first stocked into Lake Burton in 2000, both to provide a new opportunity for anglers and to control a burgeoning population of non-native blueback herring. More trout have been added each year since, and they seem to be thriving in Burton’s deep, clear waters. Fish up to about 3 pounds are very common, and much larger trout show up regularly. The best trout fishing typically occur from mid-summer though the middle of fall, during which time the lake stratified and the trout are forced to pile up in the lake’s only suitable summer habitat.
Jumbo trout, some reaching double-digit weights, lurk in private waters at the south end of Helen, through a stretch known as Nacoochee Bend, which can be fly-fished for a fee through Unicoi Outfitters. (706) 878-3083 or www.unicoioutfitters.com.
Three miles from the tri-state border, Burrells Ford (Forest Service Road 656) Bridge crosses the Chattooga. Regular stockings of catchable-sized rainbows and easy river access make the waters immediately upstream and downstream of the bridge very popular with anglers who hope to take home a limit of trout. Downstream of the bridge, the next few miles of the river offer outstanding habitat for adult brown trout but marginal spawning conditions.
All fishing is catch-and-release with single-hook artificial lures only on delayed-harvest waters through May 15. After that, general trout fishing regulations apply.
This creek is heavily stocked and heavily fished. Forest Service Road 4 provides great access to nearly two miles of stream through this section. Upstream of the parking lot for the scenic area, two miles of the creek are accessible only by hiking trails or by wading up the stream. Old-growth forest bounds a moderate-sized creek that quickly becomes more remote and is loaded with wild rainbows, plus a light mix of stocked fish. Anglers generally can wade up this section, drifting flies or casting lures with spinning outfits without having to work around many other fishermen.
The Toccoa is heavily stocked with rainbow trout, which spread themselves nicely through the river. The river also supports wild browns, which reproduce in tributary streams and sometimes grow to large sizes. Most fish are typical stocker size, but anglers catch quite a few trout up to about 16 inches and occasionally even bigger trophy fish.
For more information on these places visit: http://www.gameandfishmag.com/fishing/fishing_trout-fishing_ga_0405_02/
We hope that you will enjoy casting a line at one of these places during your next visit to one of our Helen cabin rentals.