Hansel & Gretel Candy Kitchen
While visiting out cabins in North Georgia. You might get a taste for fudge or candy apples. You may be like me and have a sweet tooth. I decided to talk about my favorite place to satisfy my cravings for sugar, Hansel & Gretel Candy Kitchen. The excellent staff will help you get your sugar fix.
Address: 8651 N Main St, Helen, GA 30545
Hours: 9AM–8PM, Sun – Sat
Phone: (706) 878-2443
‘The sights, sounds, and aromas at Hansel & Gretel Candy Kitchen tell you that you have entered a special place. At Hansel & Gretel you will see fudge made on marble tables while another candymaker is preparing our whipped cream caramel and making turtles and caramel apples. You will see hand dipped chocolates made before your very eyes. You will want to stay all day! You will find chocolate gift boxes for every occasion. You will enjoy the Number One candy manufacturer in North Georgia – Hansel & Gretel Candy Kitchen. “Fine Candy Since 1973.”‘
Hansel & Gretel Candy Kitchen was established in 1973. It started as a small shop in the alley ways of Helen. The owners, David and Janet Jones grew the store from a 234 square-foot shop to a 5,000 square-foot production facility. I has also expanded on the products provided.
There are a variety of sweets to soothe your cravings. To start the list, there are many different fudges, chocolate covered snacks such as pretzels; marshmallows; and rice-crispy treats; candy apples, candy-coated fruits, and many more. I usually have to get some chocolate covered marshmallows at the very least. There is also different kinds of brittle.
Hansel & Gretel also will deliver. You can visit their website and place your order. There is a difference in delivery fees depending on distance. Be sure to enjoy some great sweets from Hansel & Gretel during your next visit to one of our GA vacation rentals.